👋 ?? I dont know what planet the Chinese hater is broadcasting from ??? I havent checked up on China in…. well, ever to be exact but quick… turm to CNN… have you seen the shit hitting America? Jesus Chist they’re smashing death toll and Covid contraction records daily! Worse than any other place in the world, ever! It’s unbelievable!!!
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#First experience
July 23, 2020, 10:13 p.m.
?? I dont know what planet the Chinese hater is broadcasting from ??? I havent checked up on China in…. well, ever to be exact but quick… turm to CNN… have you seen the shit hitting America? Jesus Chist they’re smashing death toll and Covid contraction records daily! Worse than any other place in the world, ever! It’s unbelievable!!!

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#First experience
1510 days ago
Almost a first, every time. I see tweens that are angry at the world or frustrated and teach them how to orgasm. A million and one and more sweet young ladies I have done so many wonderful thongs with.
#First experience
1517 days ago
?? I dont know what planet the Chinese hater is broadcasting from ??? I havent checked up on China in…. well, ever to be exact but quick… turm to CNN… have you seen the shit hitting America? Jesus Chist they’re smashing death toll and Covid contraction records daily! Worse than any other place in the world, ever! It’s unbe

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